The RKM Foundation

The RKM Foundation
Thank you!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Over 1253!!!!!!

 Family  we are  on a roll :-)  We are  so excited  and we  just  can't hide  it!!!!! We're  about to lose  control and I  think we like  it, oh  yeah !!!!!!!  We  want to  say thank you to the Pointer  Sister  for that  great song:-)

I know  you  are  all  wondering why  we  feel the need  to break out our  leg warmers,disco balls, Donna Summer wigs and sparkly  tops?????. The truth is  we have the official  numbers after  inventory  for our  2nd annual  toy &book drive. Drummmmmmmmrolllllll; we  are  pleased to announce that we  collected over 1253  pieces of toys & books  with  books  totaling over 700!!!!!

We  cannot   begin to say  thank you  to  everyone  who donated, thought  of donating, asked a question,sent a cheque, gave  money, arranged  a pickup, drove to our drop off location, followed us on Twitter,liked us on Facebook  or helped in spreading the word about the RKMFoundation,Inc in  any  and  every way.(That  was  a very long sentence:-))  We appreciate and love you and ask for your  continued support.

This is amazing news. In just  2 years we have surpassed  our estimated  goals and continue to dream and implement programs that will be beneficial in bringing about monumental change   for the children  of rural Jamaica.

These books  will help  to foster an environment of literacy  and a deep  love for  reading amongst our targeted group of children ages   4-10yrs. Each  book we  pulled  from a  box  meant the opportunity  for a  child  to  dream  beyond their current situation  and  be transported  into another  world  through  its exciting pages.We  are  overjoyed  to share  this  news with you as we continue to  work together to be  a part  of the solution .
 Talk  to  you  soon.
Much love,Walk good.
Never forget  to read  to and with  your little ones!!!

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