The RKM Foundation

The RKM Foundation
Thank you!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Off to a good start!!!!

  Hi  Everyone,
 We  are  officially 21 days into the  new  year  and   we can  honestly say that  we are  off to a  great  start. The  past  year  was  filled with  so many  positive  highlights and  we want to  keep that  momentum  going.  We  do believe  that  blogging is  one of the  best  things  we have  done and will  help  us . Yes  it is true, we havent  done  it as frequently as we  should, but we do enjoy it!!!! One  of  our  goals  this  year  is  to  put  more time and effort into  blogging  and keeping our  growing family  in the mix.

So lets  play  catch  up:-)
1) Our   2nd  annual  toy and book drive  is still  in process and  will  continue  until  Thursday February  28,2013. The   toys  and books  have  been  coming  in and we are  so  thankful for your  generosity

2).We  have  been  in talks and close conversations  with  other  organizations  in trying to  further our  cause  and take  our  foundation to the next  level.

3) The  deep  desire to create  a reading  intiative  has always  at  the  core  of our  organization  and  we  are  working  to create  a program that will  benefit school children  ages 4-12  years in the rural Jamaica .

4)We are  also  in the process of developing  a fundraising campaign to  help  with  funding  the organization efforts  of collection and distribution  of toys and books in the  island  of Jamaica.

5) Throw back  Thursday is getting some attention as   friends and  the  RKM family  has been  taking to twitter, emails and texts  to share  their  favorite  childhood  memories.

These are our  five  main areas of   focus at  this  time, we  have a lot  more to  share. I   hope  we didnt  overwhelm you , it is  not  our intention :-). As  stated  before we are off to  a  good start. Our aim  is to continue working hard at trying to  make  a difference  while impacting  the lives of underprivileged  children in  rural  Jamaica.

Much  love  & Walk  good  


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